*Class is June 27th - August 1st (not June 20th)*


These are the most exciting times on our Planet but also can feel the most chaotic.

We are moving through very intense shifts and it can look like... 

Anxiety, increased fear and worry, feeling more emotions, experiencing less joy, less satisfaction in life, less motivation or drive. You may feel like you don’t have direction, everything is at a standstill and you feel out of control.


I can promise you that nothing is wrong with you. These are how the SHIFTS in our evolution are felt.


I created this 6-week Live Course, EVOLVE to assist us in navigating these very physical, mental, and emotional changes we are experiencing right now.

We don’t have a handbook on how to make these shifts more graceful or easy and many of us are left feeling lost, confused, alone or worse not wanting to be here.


This 6-week Live course is going to give you tools to help you move through the very specific shifts we are going through right now with more ease and freedom.


Instead of feeling lost, not on track, disconnected, or confused, the course will remind you of how you are right on track, nothing is wrong with you and bring clarity to any confusion.

Join me LIVE for 6 weeks of deep diving into specific tools to assist you in becoming a superhero during these powerful shifts.

I hope to see you June 27th for our first class. Let's go!

Payment Option 1


One Time Payment

  • Six 90 minute live teachings
  • Three 60 minute live Q&A’s
  • Unlimited access to the replays (Audio & Video)
  • Private Online Community
Enroll Now

Payment Option 2


2 Monthly Payments

  • Six 90 minute live teachings
  • Three 60 minute live Q&A’s
  • Unlimited access to the replays (Audio & Video)
  • Private Online Community
Enroll Now


6 Live online classes (via zoom)

3 Bonus Live Q&A's (via zoom)

6 Live guided meditations

$299 USD

Unlimited access to the replays

Private Online Community

15% off for Patreon members

Class is 90 minutes every Thursday @ 10am PDT starting June 27th 

What's Included:

Six 90 Minute Live Teachings (via Zoom)

Three 60 Minute Live Q&A’s (via Zoom)

Lifetime Access To The Replays

Private Online Community

Payment Option 1


One Time Payment

  • Six 90 minute live teachings
  • Three 60 minute live Q&A’s
  • Unlimited access to the replays (Audio & Video)
  • Private Online Community
Enroll Now

Payment Option 2


2 Monthly Payments

  • Six 90 minute live teachings
  • Three 60 minute live Q&A’s
  • Unlimited access to the replays (Audio & Video)
  • Private Online Community
Enroll Now

Dates & Times:

Class 1: Thursday, June 27th @10am - 11:30am PDT

Class 2: Thursday, July 4th @10am - 11:30am PDT

Class 3: Thursday, July 11th @10am - 11:30am PDT

Class 4: Thursday, July 18th @10am - 11:30am PDT

Class 5: Thursday, July 25th @10am - 11:30am PDT

Class 6: Thursday, August 1st @10am - 11:30am PDT

*Bonus Q&A 1: Saturday, June 29th @12pm PDT*

*Bonus Q&A 2: Saturday, July 13th @ 8am PDT*

*Bonus Q&A 3: Saturday, July 20th @ 4pm PDT*

Use the Time Zone Converter

Class Details:


  • Explore the current evolution and how you may be experiencing it right now.
  • Explore the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual shifts in your life.
  • Feel more at ease with the changes you are experiencing.
  • Experience a powerful meditation connecting you to your Soul.


  • Learn techniques to connect and follow your intuition and guidance
  • Dissect the differences between intuition and ego.
  • Feel more confident in following your inner guidance.
  • Experience a powerful meditation connecting you to your guides


  • Receive tools to assist in being in  daily flow.
  • Learn tools to become the observer in your life.
  • Feel more relaxed and calm in your life.
  • Experience a powerful meditation connecting you to flow and the observer.


  • Receive tools to assist you in feeling any emotion. 
  • Learn how to feel without attachment.
  • Feel empowered to experience any feeling / emotion.
  • Experience a powerful meditation relaxing into all feeling. 


  • Explore your Soul's Signature (purpose).
  • Receive tools to assist in living daily from your purpose.
  •  Feel more connected to your Soul & your purpose.
  • Experience a powerful meditation connecting to your Soul's purpose


  • Explore tools to assist in moving in and out of 3D & 5D with more ease.
  •  Understand how this shift is felt daily.
  • Feel more confident in your life.
  •  Experience a powerful meditation moving in and out of 3D & 5D. (This is a fun and trippy meditation)


In This Course You Will:

Feel more at ease in life

Trust your intuition and inner guidance 

Feel empowered in your feelings

Step into your purpose 

Feel more calm, excited and open to your life

Payment Option 1


One Time Payment

  • Six 90 minute live teachings
  • Three 60 minute live Q&A’s
  • Unlimited access to the replays (Audio & Video)
  • Private Online Community
Enroll Now

Payment Option 2


2 Monthly Payments

  • Six 90 minute live teachings
  • Three 60 minute live Q&A’s
  • Unlimited access to the replays (Audio & Video)
  • Private Online Community
Enroll Now